
Catchalottos view on why you should never play 1-2-3-4-5-6 in Lotto A while ago Camelot, the UK National Lottery Official Operator, used to release combinations that were played most commonly. Unsurprisingly, combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 was one of them in that it was entered into each Lotto Draw by many people. And by many I me

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The Notebook (DVD) Review

Adapted to screen from the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, The Notebook is one of the best romantic dramas to hit the big screen in decades. Garnering high marks from a wide-range of critics, The Notebook is a funny and emotional film which deals with love, relationships, and the risks people take. James Garner turn

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Mistakes of beginning futures and forex traders

There are many so called opportunities on the internet promising vast riches for little work in the area of forex trading and futures trading. Statistically 95% of beginning forex traders fail and quit. In this article I hope to provide a little sane advice, to increase this percentage for the good of all. If you are like

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From Beginner To Forex Trader.

When you begin to investigate this business of day trading a plethora of information comes at you. Type in day trading, do a search and you get close to a million choices. Thats a lot of info to sieve through. So where do we start? There are some basic necessities that you must have before you can begin. A fairly good com

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Scuba Diving Bali

Despite a series of terrorist bomb attacks in 2002 and 2005 killing hundreds of tourists and locals hitting the tourism industry hard for short periods, the tropical Indonesian island of Bali is still attracting many vacationing tourists. Tourists are attracted by the island’s rustic charms, mystical culture and trad

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